
WithUniversalBypass,youhaveatoolthatwillhelpagainsttrackersanddownloadcountdownsequences.Itisquiteannoyingwhenyouaretryingtoget ...,本文要介紹的「UniversalBypass」是免費GoogleChrome、Firefox擴充功能,讓你安裝後遇到廣告連結時自動跳過惱人的倒數計時畫面,也不用擔心被記錄資訊, ...,FastForwardisthesuccessorofUniversalBypass,abrowserextensionmadeforChromium,EdgeandFirefox,thatcanbypassannoyinglinks...

Universal Bypass for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera

With Universal Bypass, you have a tool that will help against trackers and download countdown sequences. It is quite annoying when you are trying to get ...

Universal Bypass 對付廣告連結利器,自動跳過惱人的倒數 ...

本文要介紹的「Universal Bypass」是免費Google Chrome、Firefox 擴充功能,讓你安裝後遇到廣告連結時自動跳過惱人的倒數計時畫面,也不用擔心被記錄資訊, ...


FastForward is the successor of Universal Bypass, a browser extension made for Chromium, Edge and Firefox, that can bypass annoying link shorteners, so you ...

Universal Bypass (@unibypass) X

Don't waste your time with compliance. Universal Bypass automatically skips annoying link shorteners. Get Universal Bypass now: https://t.co/HpSj70TD2y.

Universal Bypass download

2022年5月10日 — Download Universal Bypass for free. Don't waste your time with compliance. Universal Bypass circumvents annoying link shorteners.

Universal Bypass

2021年2月5日 — Universal Bypass circumvents sites which make you wait (like adf.ly), make you do something (e.g., show.co and sub2unlock.com) and even ...


To associate your repository with the universal-bypass topic, visit your repo's landing page and select manage topics. Learn more ...

If you are still using the Universal Bypass extension ...

2022年6月6日 — Universal Bypass is unmaintained. Check out FastForward, which is a continuation of this project.